Monday, January 30, 2006

Monday Dinner 1/30/06

Steamboat! =P

Week 4 Dinner

Hey just wondering anybody has anything to cook since we didn't go groceries shopping this week...

My place still has:

2 boxes of Korean meat
chicken drumsticks
xiao bai cai
left over vege from CNY party
left over steamboat liao

If we need anything else, I dun mind making a short trip to Albertsons tonight.

P.S. I wouldn't be able to cook on Wednesday as I have a midterm on Thursday.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Thursday Dinner 1/26/06 by fm

Sweet and Sour Chicken
long beans
some 排骨汤

Wednesday Dinner 1/25/06


Tuesday Dinner 1/24/06

-tomato eggflower soup
-chicken and pepper with black bean sauce

Monday Dinner 1/23/06



苦瓜炒蛋 虾仁炒蛋 番茄炒蛋 鸳鸯蛋 三黄蛋 包菜炒蛋 韭黄炒蛋
炒土豆丝 辣椒豆芽 芹菜豆腐干
炒青菜 茄子豆腐煲 豆苗 菠菜 生菜 糖醋包菜 豆腐香菇 肉碎蒸豆腐 酸菜豆腐羹
豆腐三文鱼 蒸鱼 火居三文鱼 咖喱鱼头
蚝油香菇 茄盒 卤牛肉
蒸猪肉 木耳焖鸡 红烧鸡翅膀 土豆焖鸡 盐蒸鸡 乌鸡汤
酸梅酱排骨 马式排骨 冬菇排骨 糖醋排骨
意大利面 韩国牛肉 印度咖喱 日本咖喱

番茄蛋花汤 排骨汤 西洋菜汤 罗宋汤 ABC汤 肉骨茶 冬笋鲫鱼汤
土豆咸菜汤 鸡汤 火腿扁尖鸡汤
皮蛋瘦肉粥 莲藕粥 地瓜粥

烤番薯 cheese cake 白木耳汤 红豆汤 绿豆汤 血糯粥 着哩
茶叶蛋 炸香蕉

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Who's going to ranch this week? I was thinking whether we can go on Sunday morning like 9am and make it a short trip? Those who're not going better think of wat to buy already. And is there dinner on Saturday or Sunday?

I need
-pork bone
-green and red pepper
-one packet of frozen chicken thighs(i think albertsons has a sale on this

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Friday Dinner 1/20/06


how come the girls always get the dates wrong? =P

coz ppl like me are blur. i changed them already

Thursday Dinner 1/19/06


Monday, January 16, 2006


Tuesday Dinner 01/17/06

chicken stew
minced pork and vermicilli vegetable soup (sorry i made this name up)


Wednesday Dinner 1/18/06


is that Salt-Baked Chicken? sorry, i'm not sure what the chinese name

so will u be joining us for dinner?

haha..i wish i could...sorry lah...i'll be MIA for most of the week...tell me how the chicken goes!~Des

Saturday, January 14, 2006



Dinner 1/15/06

I think Jonathan is cooking for us. I should be helping him too. And I'm wondering whether any of u guys, other than Desmond, is planning to send chin yan off?

i want to send chin yan off... wy

heya, if we're preparing dinner for sunday, don't have to include me unless its convenient. chin yan's flight is at 8, and she'll be at the airport by 7pm. not sure what time dinner is planned for. even better, if possible, do invite jason to have dinner, since he would be...lonely....~Des

Dinner 1/14/06

Heard that Ma Yu-Long is cooking. Is that true?

so i

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Farewell dinner for Chin Yan 1/12/06

Tentatively 730pm can? I will ask whether Chin Yan has any preference on the place. Wan Yue and me will be getting a gift for her. Are you guys joining in? Any idea what to get to a doctor? =P

to get a doctor? i was thinking something humourous as a stethoscope....but don't think anyone shares that humour...about who to invite....i mentioned the graduates....and also the astar people? those are the two circles she's mainly in....~Des

tentatively the dinner will be at either flavor thai or thai house cuisine at convoy. they;re recommended by des so if it's not good, blame him... =P... just joking... anyway i'm assuming all of u can make it? Timing wise still the same at 730pm. Wan Yue will be getting a card for us to sign too.

but stethoscope is for MD. why not ill go steal some eppendoff testtubes from lab for her? haha. in case next time she runs out our gift would be useful. :p ~ fm

Monday, January 09, 2006


how's everyone's schedule like? mine is not normalised yet...

and also fm xy and me need to talk about the car issue next year. :) find time..

eh i have class till 6pm on monday, wednesday till 5pm, tues and thurs, tentatively no class, but one of my professors wants to change the class time to tues and thurs. that said, i still end early on tues and thurs. additionally i have small grp on tuesday and fellowship on friday. i can prob cook on tues (i can leave ard 7.30pm but just leave the food on the table) or thurs...xinyi

i'm not too sure about mine yet either. I end my day at about 630 everyday.
kk far, mondays are not available, while wednesdays finish at 6.20. Tue/Thu are empty so far, while Fri is free. maybe i should cook

my ending times: Mon 9pm, Wed 5pm, Fri 5pm. Labwork will further delay Wed/Fri times. Tues Thurs i end classes earlier, at 12pm. Lab for whole afternoon. I can prob cook on these two days (Tue/Thu). ~ fm

so why don't we each pick a day? there are 6 of us (that's assuming desmond wants to join us regularly too), if not we have five. everyone list down the possible days they can cook?

i can do wed/thur/sat/sun...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Welcome back!

Happy New Year to all. =)

Wondering if any one is still reading this. heh.

Check-in pls! =)