Monday, July 31, 2006


in lab now, seeding cells for tomorrow's experiment. last week astar asked the returning and departing people to attend a 3 day course- summer odyssey. actually quite interesting, and i did my MBTI personality type. E/I extrovertedness and introvertedness; S/N sensing and intuition; T/F thinking and feeling; and J/P judging and perceiving. The way the instructor placed it is actually quite interesting because she focused on the different working styles of people with different personality types and how to adapt to another personality type..I am ENTP.. E/I is pretty obvious. extroverted people tend to feel energetised in a group, introverted people prefer to be alone and to think before they speak. S/N. S people appear to be more detail orientated, and they notice the specifics, rather than the big picture. If they are asked to describe "ocean", they tend to give descriptives like fish, waves, doplhins, salty, seaweed, beach etc. But the N people tend to give descriptives like water, blue, grey, vast, they tend not to focus on the specifics.
T/F thinking and feeling... F people are more people orientated. although both might arrive at the same decision, the basis upon which they come to the decision is different. If T thinks that something is right, he/she will do it even if others are upset with it. F people are more senstive towards other people's needs and feelings. The instructor posed the following problem. You are part of a team of 6 people that won a prize. The prize allows you to go travelling as a group and claim up to $50000. but the only weekend that you guys are all free to go, one of the group memeber's grandmother fell very sick, and he has to take care of her. Will you fly without him. 3/4 groups say that they will fly without him. Most of the T people think that it is a waste of money not to fly and that they will compensate for him through other means. One of the F group actually said something that it quite interesting. they claim that he will be upset if the group stays back because of him, hence to make him feel better, they will fly. hmm. errr.
J/P is also interesting, because although all will plan when needed, the question is whether you will choose to plan when you don;t really need to. J people like to plan, and they prefer to plan, but P people try not to plan, as long as they don't have to. P people like to have options open, and they change their minds quite often, whereas J people are normally quite orderly. =p For those with very high P score right, when they change clothes, where their pants drop is where it will stay. they won't bother to pick it up and put back to the right place.=p
it is quite interesting not because MBTI classifies people into 16 groups, but rather because people are actually so different. There is a score range between the 2 extremes in each case, and supposedly, if you are experiencing changes, like entering a lab that requires you to be very careful, you may shift from N to S...
okay, enough rubbish for now. take care.

~~haiyoh.. how come you sigh in the middle of nowhere one?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday Dinner (07/27/06)

Char Siew
Some Herbal Soup

p/s: hope i can be back in time to cook. sigh...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dinner this weekend?

Sadaf @ La Jolla
The Finest Royal Persian Cuisine

Is Saturday at 7pm fine for everyone? Hopefully everybody can make it as it will be the last time "we all" are having dinner together... blame lawrence for having to go back for two weeks! =P

i'm on. lunch can be wanton. and today i just saw a strain of mice called kk. sy

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Wednesday Dinner (7/19/06)

Breaded Pork Chops
Tofu with Beef
Sweet Corn Soup (if I can find sweetcorn tmr at Ralphs)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Thursday Dinner 7/20/06


Friday Dinner July 21, 2006

-japanese curry
-xiao bai cai



Hey shall we go grocery shopping today sometime after lunch like 2 or 3pm? Give us a list if u r lazy to go.

Sunday Dinner 7/16/06

Chef: Jason Kwok!!!
Time: around 8
Venue: the girls' place?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Wednesday Dinner 7/12/06

Herbal soup
Steam ground pork
Ladies fingers
Black fungus chicken

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Tuesday Dinner

dinner around 8.30pm/9pm...

watercress soup
teriyaki chicken


hey, the 2 of us not joining u for dinner.
there's oreo cheesecake in my fridge. maybe kk can bring over for dessert.


thu dinner 7/14

dinner around 8?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

hey there

dear all,
how have you all been? i know that summer school has started, and everyone is more or less back in sd.. wondering how you guys are..
i went to watch Cars yesterday. it is actually a very nice movie leh, in the sense that it is both funny and thoughtful and quite inspiring haha.. it is about this young racing car who dreams of winning the Piston cup (i think top racing car award in boston or something), and he is very good and extremely arrogant etc. but he tied with 2 other cars in the race, and the race has to be taken place in California again, for the 3 cars to see who will win. This little car got lost on his way to california, and got stuck in this remote car village.. etc etc.. the rest you guys can watch for yourselves. =p
nothing much on my side. haven't start work yet. just want to say hi, and take care actually. all the best people.

i have it on dvd. anyone?
and also munich and casanova..