Tuesday, September 19, 2006

SMSC Welcome Party

School's starting! Hope everyone is alive and kicking, ready to start another year of studies/work. For a jump start in spirits, the old members of SMSC (Singaporean Malaysian Student Circle) would like to host a welcoming potluck party for the new-comers, that is the freshmen, transfer, exchange students from Singapore and friends who just happened to chance upon our community. Details are as follows:

Date: Saturday 09/23/06
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: UCSD Sixth College Apartment 1420 (Courtesy of Ms. Tanya)
What to bring: EITHER food, if you have a kitchen at home and you can actually use it,
OR a good joke, if you can't cook. The joke will be assessed according to UCSD grading policies.
What to expect: Lots of good food, drinks and games (we will provide Jenga, Clue, Chess sets and Poker Cards). And of course a fabulous company to spend the night with. :)

So RSVP to us by Thursday, 09/21/06. Please include the following in your reply:

1. Your attendance: yes/no,
2. Number of guests you are bringing with you and
3. What food you will be bringing if any. (Don't tell the joke in advance if you're not bringing food.)

Parking (other than reserved) on campus is free on weekends.

My mind will be there! I will bring food cooked in the mind! =(

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hey u all dun abandon this site ler!!!
Cook! Don't waste the ingredients! And don't just work in the lab! You guys are getting mad!
Anyway i'm starting work on Monday!

Friday, September 08, 2006

motivation can be "resparked"!

Hey cannot slack when I'm not there!!! Even Stephen cooked!!!

Whatever it is, you guys have to take care of your own health, cooking soup and some healthy home made food is very important! Dun always eat lousy food... needless to say you guys all need good health for what you want to do!

Anyway the purpose of me coming on to this blog is to post a long overdue recipe (cos i just found my recipe book when i unpacked in singapore):

mushroom, ribs, fried oyster, fa cai stew
- preparations:
1. soak small mushrooms (the packet that i left over) overnight or other dries mushrooms for 1 to 2 hours (if there is time, change the water 1 to 2 times, saving the last batch of water for later)
2. soak dried oysters (i left a packet in the freezer i think) for about an hour
3. soak some fa cai for about 0.5 hours (i left some in the bottom shelf of the fridge, just use a small portion cos it will expand)
4. cut ribs into small pieces and use salt or hot water to 'wash' it

- cooking:
1. heat up oil, add some garlic and salt, fry for a while and then add soaked dried oyster, followed by ribs, then mushroom
2. continue frying until the water almost disappears and it is fragrant
3. add in the saved water from earlier (just enough to cover slightly more than half of the ingredients) and boil for 15 minutes, then medium to medium low heat for another 45 min to 1 hour until the meat is tender and not much water is left
4. add in the soaked fa cai 5 minutes before step 3 is done
5. when everything is done, add some light soya sauce until you think it tastes good

OK here's the recipe and xinyi hopefully u find the motivation to cook it! Of course others should try it as well if u want! I know it's kind of laborious but it's not that bad! =P

Oh for the herbs that i left behind, i think there is a recipe in one of the packets, fm can u see whether u can find it if u have time? If not i'll ask my mum again for the recipe.

Again hope u all cook! At least cook some healthy tasty soup!

Regards from Singapore,

Friday, September 01, 2006

motivation to cook have gone down the drain.

blog close down.