Monday, October 30, 2006

i'm so dead pple. :)

what does that mean? Just gotta jia you! Sangyu always can make it!

Sunday, October 29, 2006


hey dudes,

just a short note that all is still alive here in sd. (well, almost)
everyone is crazily busy with lab and work and theres just too many things gg on. if u think ur senior years were busy, i can safely say that we are twice as busy.
but well, we'll survive. try telling them not to work too hard. when are u coming for gradsch visits?

take care,

What do u mean by asking them not to work too hard? how about yourself? Anyway for me i never think that my senior year was that busy, because i try to balance my life. maybe you guys have different priorities but for me research and doing well in exam is not everything. Hope that you guys can have a better overall development.

best wishes,

Saturday, October 14, 2006

How's everyone?

Hey never hear from you guys for a long time liao... even sy never reply my mail lor... apparently work is more important than me haha...

Anyway I'm taking my GRE on Monday! Didn't prepare well ler... so gotta wish me luck! =P

You guys update me more on what's going on back there ok?

Don't be so cruel and abandon this blog completely!