Monday, November 28, 2005

Activities after end of finals?

When is the last final for everybody? Mine is on Thursday and I'm wondering whether anyone is interested in doing anything on Thursday nite and the following days before everyone flies off. Bowling? Movie? KTV? Skiing? Short trip?

Can we go watch Memoirs of a Geisha on Friday night? I think Dec 9 is the exclusive release. not sure whether it will be showing at all theatres though...


i don't mind but i will be back pretty late i think since i'm grading... maybe just the 9 or 10pm shows...
oh anyone is cooking the weekend after finals? i'm thinking of cooking either on Thursday or Sunday...

Memoirs release date: December 9th, 2005 (NY/LA/SF), December 16th, 2005 (limited), December 23rd, 2005 (wide). In conclusion, no memoirs.
Can we cook dinner on thurs? invite lotsa pple in for a nice long dinner.
~ fm


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