Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Just to let u guys know, CP called me today (when I was asleep as usual), coz they rmb that we once wanted a 2 br. they said that they only have one 2br coming up for Nov 26 (or somewhere ard there, sorry guys i was half asleep). it is at 9615 apt A1 or A2 for 1455... ~ xy

Heya...just to let all of you know our situation right now. Jason is thinking of moving out of mesa in end dec, and he'll be checking with canyon park within the week for availability. Xinyi, do u want to link up with Jason, such that CP knows that its the same people? That being said, if Jason only gets a place in end Dec, our present place will be extended till january. For any earlier time, my concern is the 30 day notification. EIther way, I'm awaiting what Jason finds out. ~ Des

note to all: i do hope everyone will put their names after their msges so that reading will make more sense. ~ fm


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