Sunday, March 05, 2006


can i push u guys to tabulate quick? we are all gonna get much much busier after this week. the bills are piling...

to fm from sy: $7 for lun/ner from Jasmine on 2/5/06 (or how much it cost for ur 3-dish lunch)
$4.50 for juice from Albertson's on 2/5/06
to fm from all: $49.50 for groceries from Ranch on 2/5/06
to fm from kk: $2.50 for florida natural oj on 1/22/05 (i think is kk right? can confirm?)
to fm from wy: $2.50 for milk from Albertson's on 2/5/06

to fm from kk: $3.40 for oj from Albertson's on 2/25/06
to fm from xy/sy: $38.40 for water filters from Albertson's on 2/25/06
to fm from xy: $1.60 for coke from Albertson's on 2/25/06
to fm from all: $23.50 for trashbags/towels/toiletpaper on 2/25/06
to fm from all: $78 for groceries from 99 Ranch on 2/25/06

to fm from all: $100 for groceries from 99 Ranch on 3/4/06
to fm from all: $33 for gas on 3/5/06

i think u guys shld start counting money too. its been a long while since money changed hands...

-- updated 3/5/06

when u write "from all" does that mean we divide the cost among 5 ppl (including urself) or among 4 ppl (ie. xy, wy, kk and sy)... ~xy
all means to divide among 5. basically its the amt of money i paid at cashier. ~fm

sorry i think this post directed at me cos i really have a lot of bills here. so using fm's method i'll list down everything (i'll be asking u guys, except for desmond and lawrence, to chip in for my gas money but tell me if u can't afford it):
to kk from all: $25 for gas on 1/12/06
to kk from all: $38 for gas on 1/29/06
to kk from all: $31 for gas on 2/18/06
to kk from all: $5 for chicken thigh from albertsons on 1/22/06
to kk from all: $5 for chicken thigh from albertsons on 1/22/06
to kk from wy: $7 for Denny's on 2/4/06
to kk from all: $102.86 for groceries from ranch on 1/22/06
to kk from fm: $2.50 for chips ahoy from albertsons on 1/30/06
to kk from xy: $10.80 for groceries/toiletries from albertsons on 1/30/06
to kk from all: $17 for groceries from albertsons on 1/30/06
to kk from wy: $2.50 for groceries from Target on 1/16/06
to kk from wy: $23 for lunch at Spicy City on 1/28/06
to kk from xy: $7 for jasmine express on 3/5/06
to kk from fm, sy, wy: $2.5 each for jasmine express on 3/5/06
to kk from xy, wy: $12 each for bowling? (not sure)

dont worry abt the gas. we are the ones using it anyway. =) we never pay u for car rental good enough liao. :P ~fm


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