Monday, November 28, 2005

Activities after end of finals?

When is the last final for everybody? Mine is on Thursday and I'm wondering whether anyone is interested in doing anything on Thursday nite and the following days before everyone flies off. Bowling? Movie? KTV? Skiing? Short trip?

Can we go watch Memoirs of a Geisha on Friday night? I think Dec 9 is the exclusive release. not sure whether it will be showing at all theatres though...


i don't mind but i will be back pretty late i think since i'm grading... maybe just the 9 or 10pm shows...
oh anyone is cooking the weekend after finals? i'm thinking of cooking either on Thursday or Sunday...

Memoirs release date: December 9th, 2005 (NY/LA/SF), December 16th, 2005 (limited), December 23rd, 2005 (wide). In conclusion, no memoirs.
Can we cook dinner on thurs? invite lotsa pple in for a nice long dinner.
~ fm

Saturday, November 26, 2005

No Meals for Week 10 and Finals Week

There will be no meals for Week 10 and Finals Week unless otherwise posted.

If you are bored of studying, do a good deal and cook for all! =)

Winter Break

a request for everyone to post their dates of departure from/return to SD.

Finals Week is from Dec 5 (Mon) to Dec 9 (Fri).

Last Finals end on Dec 8 (Thu) 11.00am
Departing Dec 16 (Fri) 10.30pm thru SD Airport
Arriving Jan 6 (Fri) 8.30pm thru SD Airport

last final end on Dec 9 (Fri) 11:00H
depart Dec 11 (Sun) 08:30H (SD airport)
arrive Jan 6 (Fri) 15:00H (SD airport)

last final ends on Dec 8 (Thu) 2.30pm
depart Dec 12 (Mon) 11:15am (SD airport)
Arriving Jan 6 (Fri) 8.30pm (SD airport) ~ same flight as FM

last final end on Dec 8 (Thu) 11am
grading on Dec 9 (Fri) 10am onwards
depart Dec 13 (Tue) 1:40am (LAX)
arrive Dec 31 (Sat) 6.25pm (LAX) ~ i'll drive to and back from my cousin's place

p/s by fm: any idea when koklim is flying? if someone hears frm him can update here? thanks. just wondering if i shld make transport arrangements when departing.

i heard that he's leaving on the 13th and coming back on the 25th... not sure abt the exact time though...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thursday Dinner 11/24/2005 Thanksgiving Day

are we gg to chinyan's tgv dinner? are we cooking stuff to bring over? ~ fm

i'm going, and i hope all of us are...anyway, i think something simple would be nice to bring over, since the main dish is the turkey! can't have anything that out-shines that, especially if it'll be done by the uber-chef Joy. ~ Des

Monday, November 21, 2005

Friday Dinner 11/25/2005


repeat of last fri's dishes to finish up the chicken drumsticks, unless someone has a better idea on what to do with them. and any suggestions on how to make it taste better?

~ fm

Saturday, November 19, 2005

hatWednesday's Dinner

sambal squid

So we're now going out to eat rite? Go where? Wat time? And are we still going to ranch?

what's going on?? ~ Des

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Saturday Meals 11/19/05

Anyone wants to go to ranch in the morning? We can then buy lunch from there if u guys want.



i took 2 weeks break liao. i'll go this weekend ~fm

Eh I am not going to Ranch, so can someone buy these stuff for me (to make cheesecake for thanksgiving, this time round i am going to try to bake two cheesecakes):

1. 8 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese (i cant rmb what other packaging they come in so if they have the 16oz ones then maybe can get 4 of it...anyway just see what is on sale and get it)

2. 3 cups HONEY MAID Graham Cracker Crumbs (eh i dont exactly know how this is supposed to be since i have never bought it. but i need to have enough to make the base of two cheesecakes, so get 1-2 boxes for me?)

eh the above mentioned quantities are already for two cheesecakes, so dont double them...

3. toilet paper

4. a rag for the toilet floor (eh can u guys get one that is more or less 100% cotton, ie. one that can soak up prob one that is similar to the one u guys have in ur apt toilet)

5. can take-away lunch ?(we can share if u guys want....)


can buy bananas for me, errr, buy 4 bunches.
i can cook this wednesday. I still have califlower, can help me buy some squid and sambal sauce (fm, the same packet that we saw at ranch some time ago) and 莲藕 (3)? Then 3 tomatoes. Thanks


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Friday Dinner 11/18/2005


~ 峰

who is eating? ~fm

Monday Dinner

Chicken with potatoes
Xiao Bai Cai


Friday, November 11, 2005

Sunday Dinner 11/13/05

Chef: Lawrence Ma!
Watercress soup
Fried egg with tomato

Saturday Dinner 11/12/05

I will try to cook something simple.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Just to let u guys know, CP called me today (when I was asleep as usual), coz they rmb that we once wanted a 2 br. they said that they only have one 2br coming up for Nov 26 (or somewhere ard there, sorry guys i was half asleep). it is at 9615 apt A1 or A2 for 1455... ~ xy

Heya...just to let all of you know our situation right now. Jason is thinking of moving out of mesa in end dec, and he'll be checking with canyon park within the week for availability. Xinyi, do u want to link up with Jason, such that CP knows that its the same people? That being said, if Jason only gets a place in end Dec, our present place will be extended till january. For any earlier time, my concern is the 30 day notification. EIther way, I'm awaiting what Jason finds out. ~ Des

note to all: i do hope everyone will put their names after their msges so that reading will make more sense. ~ fm

Monday, November 07, 2005

Saturday Brunch/ Lunch 11/12/05

Dim sum at Jasmine?

yey! ...xinyi

u guys go ahead. ~ Des

Des I thot u wanted to go eat dim sum?
Anyway we shd be going to ranch after dim sum, if anyone wants to go...

i want to eat dim sum, but i already told you i won't be free saturday anyway...sorry...~ Des

Friday Dinner 11/11/05

waiting for 万月 to grace this blog with her presence...

hi, not sure the final decision, but are any of you are going to see Corrinne May? She's performing at 8pm at Mission Vally...~ Des

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Week 7 Monday dinner 11/7/05


~ 峰

p/s: 打华文字时用 "Large" Size font!

Wednesday dinner 11/9/05

红烧鲳鱼 (我试下看)


I'm planning to go to ranch on Sunday morning (11/6/05). Give me a call if u wan to go along. And start thinking of things to buy if u r going.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Hey can we decide on when and where to hold our annual thanksgiving potluck dinner?

Oh..sorry about that. I was thinking of it the week before thanksgiving. Nov 18 Fri? I was going to send the email to everyone in the list this weekend. are u guys ok with that? ~ Des

hmm i understand that the reason why u chose the week before thanksgiving is coz some ppl might be going away? why dont we put up two options with the second option as Nov 24, thursday and see what most ppl say? coz it seems more meaningful to have thanksgiving dinner on thanksgiving then on veterans day..ofcourse if many ppl are actually going away then we can have it on nov 18...xinyi

noted. i'll put out the email sunday evening to ask if everyone is more comfortable with nov 18 (friday) or nov 24 (thursday). i guess i'll postpone my trip to yosemite then. but i still think nov 24 is good, just that i don't want to catch people all going away during thanksgiving that's all. ~Des

oh and i forgot to mention that i am not free on nov 18. i am typically not free on friday nights except when it's a public holiday...but u guys can go ahead anyway...xinyi

heya people, before i confirm the date for thanksgiving, i would like to hear from all of you first. would noiv 19 (sat) be ok? or do all of you want to still do it on thanksgiving? thanks ~ Des