Monday, March 06, 2006

Change in Dinner plans

so i'm taking over fong ming's cooking duties for Tuesday (Mar 7th). Will be cooking pork, chicken (or fish) and a vegetable. i'll assume everyone involved is eating, unless told otherwise ~ Des

i dont think i will be eating coz i doubt dinner will be ready by 7.15pm...anyway u guys can go ahead...~xy

heya, i just got tagged for a meeting thursday night, so it is possible i could tmrw (tuesday) or wed? i'm sure you guys already planned it, but if i could trade somebody's place for thursday, that'll be great.
if not, i'll cook and leave the food there on thursday, since my meeting is at 8pm. do let me know. ~Des

if u want i can cook tonite but it will be a late dinner (around 8 to 830pm?). You can take over my cooking duties tomorrow (Wednesday).